
Wednesday, January 24, 2018

December Daily® 2017 │ Days 12 to 19

Man alive, this is way over due. I'm going with the motto its better late than never because I really wanted to share these pages but the early part of January really kicked my ass. As I mentioned in my last post, we were super sick and that ended up lasting 15 days for me. It was a beast! Then I had some assignments to work and and here we are, the 24th of January. Phew! So if you still care about December Daily® and you haven't finished yet and still need some inspiration this is for you. Because I have so much to share I'm going to break up the last of the album pictures into two posts so it's not too long. I also plan to do video a walk through or two as well since its what I had planned to do. Watch out for those coming soon. I'll post it here too when they are done.

Okay, lets get to it!

Day 12 is about our time with Santa which actually happened when we went to Lake Tahoe. I think its perfectly okay to save stories to place them in on a day that may not have a story to tell. I'm not super strict and its my album so I am totally okay with it.

The card I used here is from Rifle Paper Co.

It was the perfect place to hold some journaling on the back side. The header on the card is from In A Creative Bubble and the rubber piece is from Felicity Jane. The word strips are from various places many one from last year, the others are from Tim Holtz this year.

Day 13 was a super simple entry and one that I ended up loving a lot. This was a mad dash day to Target to finish up some shopping of gifts we needed to get in the mail. I'm going to share the original photo that I took at Target so you can get an idea of what I was shooting in order to get this. I easily could have used the photo as it was below but I had used a similar photo last year and wanted to play up a little bit more of the white space.

I really liked how the tight cropping ended up working and it left the perfect space for the word art from one of Kelly Purkey's kit papers. I cropped out the text portion of the paper and placed it right on top of my image. I added in the text prior to printing and called it done.

Day 14 was one of those days that took awhile to complete. I always like to put a shot of our Christmas tree in the album but I wanted to try something new and different than just a photo with a journaling card. I knew I wanted to use the tree paper form Kelly's travelers notebook kit but I didn't know how. This is a classic case of needing some time to come up with an idea and that can look like me sitting and staring at a piece of paper for awhile before and idea comes to me. And by awhile I mean a few hours.

I really love interactive pages and really loved last years wreath shape page that I made and I was also inspired by a page Ali made where she cut half circles. I ended up using the cut page of the tree paper as a template and laying out my text as a separate page. I used the digital file of the dot paper to print it out on vellum and I love how the mirror images worked. As far as embellishments go, I added in a few enamel dots to separate my statements and some stamping and it was done.

Day 15 was another errand day but we also stopped for coffee so it was the perfect place to add in a little Starbucks love. I love adding in vellum envelopes to hold photos and I also love layering paper as a design element.

I really loved the tiny star paper clips from Felicity Jane this year and need to pick up some more. They are tiny and so perfect.

This is a journaling card from In A Creative Bubble that I enlarged to 4x6 to hold the story. On the back is a postcard that Starbucks passed out this year.

Day 16 has already been shared on the blog, I used some of Kelly's stamps to complete this spread but wanted to also share it here for cohesion. I loved the way the background turned out and it was a really fun page to work on.

Day 17 was a day when I really didn't have a story so I ended up sharing a little bit about the Christmas cards we had received. Its not a story I've included previously so I liked that it was something new.

I used three journaling cards from In A Creative Bubble on this side and added in a photo of some of the envelopes we had received so I could feature the stamps.

Initially when I had made this spread I had placed the numbers right on top of my photo of all of the cards but I didn't like that it covered so many faces. I ended up moving the numbers to the top of a transparency so it could be turned and the photo below completely visible.

This isn't all of the card we received but its a fun way to showcase some of them.

Day 18 was my first time attending my friends cookie exchange. I was so happy I could attend this year and I couldn't wait to put it in the album. I knew I wanted to use the letterpress Merry card from Kelly's TN kit so I decided it paired perfectly with my candy cane cookies. If you are interested in the recipe you can find it here. They were really good.

I love clipping photos to the edge of pages, its a great way to get more into a day without having to use a page protector when you really don't want to use a page protector.

Day 19 was another super simple day. I had already taken a photo of some of the wrapping paper I had purchased new this year but then I found this paper and it surpassed everything I had already purchased. I'm just sorry I never made it back to the store to buy another roll. I kept the rest of the spread super simple just a title and a tiny line of text on the photo. Its one of my favorites this year.

Okay so if you made it thru all that, you get a gold star. I'll be back with the rest of the album as soon as I can get it typed up.

Thanks as always for being here.
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  1. I can't stop (won't stop) looking at your DD albums! So much beautiful inspiration - thank you so much for sharing them, along with tips on how you created the different pages.

  2. Do you set up your album ahead of time? Or do you do it based on the pictures?

    1. I do not do foundation pages. I go with the flow and decide what I'm doing based on the content I want to share.


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