
Saturday, December 8, 2012

December Daily 2012 - Day 7

Such a busy day yesterday, school for Simone, a birthday party and trip to Trader Joe's.  Which of course lead to a page about tasty treats.

Here is the full spread

What's not to love about Candy Cane Joe Joe's,  Dark Chocolate covered stars and White Chocolate Peppermint pretzels snacks.  The pretzel bag on the right was saved just to put in the album and its exactly the right size to slide into a protector.  The pretzels are from Target and I have a bag in reserves because my store is completely out.  I was happy to see that Trader Joe's has their own version so of course I snatched those up yesterday to try.

Here is the insert.  I made this new one, I just changed one word to fit my needs.

I hope your day seven went well!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the congrats on my guest designing for October Afternoon!

    Your DD is awesome and I always enjoying your IG pics of your PL too!
    Take care you!


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