
Friday, December 7, 2012

December Daily 2012 - Day 6

Last year we made our first Gingerbread House and while we had a great time, it was such as mess and honestly the last thing Simone needs right now is extra candy laying around.  When I saw this kit from Kiwi Crate I knew it was the perfect compromise.  We could still build a house and the benefit to this one was we could keep it and put it out every year.Simone has already asked to put it in her room. 

Here is the spread for yesterday, how cute are those jazz hands on the bottom left!

Larry wasn't home when I decided to start this so I had to get creative with my tripod and camera remote.  It worked out great and we got a ton of fun shots, especially when Simone got hold of the remote.  I had so many fun pictures that I decided to make a huge collage for the right side of all the fun ones.  As  you can see Larry did make it home during the process so we got a few with him too.  Simone just loved this kit and it came with two projects the house and some ornaments.  We haven't made the ornaments yet, another day soon for sure.

The instructions that came with this kit were so cute I wanted to save them so I removed the insert I had planned and added both sets of instructions to a 5x7 protector.

I can't recommend this kit enough, they had super fast shipping so if you need something fun to do this month with your kids you really should check it out.

Hope your day 6 was great too!

1 comment:

  1. This looks fantastic, love the college to include all the pics you took! I really wanted one of these kits, but they didn't post to Australia :(


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