
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Project Life - Week 31

I don't think I've ever done a project life week as fast as I did this one.  With family in town I feel awful taking my time away from them to get this done but I know if I don't do it I'll get behind and I really hate being behind.

I wanted to put some Olympic bits in this week, showcasing some of the events that meant something to me.  I'm in total awe of Michael Phelps and couldn't help but be drawn to his swimming.  I was so rooting for him to break the record and was happy to see that happen.

Here is the whole spread

and the left side up close

Another card from Erica Hernandez this week for the title slot.  It was a 3 x 4 journaling card but I turned it on its side and made it larger to use as the title this week.  I typed the dates in and printed it out, super easy.

Sunday's slot, we went to a free concert in the park and had some ice cream.

Some Olympic bits, the women's gymnastics team and a screen grab of the logo of the Olympic app I've been having fun with on my ipad.  Technology really has changed the way we do things, even how we watch sports.

I had to include a photo from this relay, the one that gave Michael his record and because one of his teammates is named Dwyer...!

I've also loved that Michael is using Instagram, this was a screen grab of one of his posts.

Orientation at school for Simone.

And our day Tuesday picking up family.

Here's the right side

Her first day of school, her last year of preschool!

A trip to the Jelly Belly Factory for the girls.

August Photo a Day list and more Olympic stuff.

Saturday was Michael Phelps' last Olympic race.  His career is over and he can stand tall with 22 medals, what an amazing athlete he is.

My super cute Niece and Simone with a bit of a private joke between us.

A trip to Ikea, where apparently you get to run into Instagram friends and meet face to face for the first time!

Saturday, a day all about family and hanging out and having fun!

Sorry my post and descriptions were so short this week.  I hope you enjoyed it and see you back here soon!


  1. Wow! What a fun PL spread! And you're caught up! I need to catch up on three months :$


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