
Monday, August 6, 2012

Memory Lane

Sorry I didn't post on Friday but my sister in law is in town with my two nieces and we are having a blast.  They flew in to San Francisco last Tuesday so we drove in to pick them up.

We had lunch in Alameda at one of our favorite restaurants.  We all grew up in Alameda so it was nice to go home for a bit and have some yummy food.

After lunch we did a little tour and drove by our old houses.

This is the house I grew up in, it sure looks small now.  My room was the one above the garage.  I helped my mom plant the birch tree that you can see on the left.  Nice to see that its being well taken care of, but I'm not diggin' that green trim.

We also drove by Larry's mom's house and the first house he ever owned in Alameda. 

We drove into San Leandro and drove by that house too.  It's only been two years since we sold it and it was the house Simone was born in.  Sadly she didn't remember it from the outside.  It still looks exactly the same as the day we left it.  

I really want to do a scrapbook page of all the houses I've lived in.  Hopefully that happens one day.

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