
Monday, December 10, 2018

December Daily® 2018 │ Days Four thru Seven

So it seems I'm working my pages in pairs this year which is okay with me. I actually like planning what's going to go on the back of something as I'm thinking of the front side. That way I always know what's coming next or what I have space for next.

Day four and day five were not made together but they ended up working well and mirroring each other nicely when I was done so that was a total win.

There are so many great movies out this month so this was the first that we went to when my mom was here. Because we went at night there weren't really any great photo ops but I always snap a pic with the tickets so I made that super small knowing it would fit nicely into the white space of this page. I had planned to add in the movie poster image but when I saw this peeking Grinch I had to use him instead. I added my journaling and kept it short and let the number and the heart fill the rest of the space.

My next story is about the most amazing, gigantic poinsettia I bought at Costco. This thing is HUGE and I love how it looks on our porch.

Days six and seven were made together because I had enough time to do two days. I wasn't sure how to fit in the stories for the days and ended up using one of my favorite 'floating journaling on top of a transparency" methods. Its a fun way to see the next day peek out and it allows you to tell a quick story and not use a ton of space to do it. The journling card I used here is from In A Creative Bubble.

The text for this day came directly from an IG and Facebook post I shared about the meaning behind this new ornament.

Day seven is a shot of our mantle, I wanted to include it again this year because I bought two new items that I really love. The journaling card I used here is from Paislee Press, their digital shop, not the 2018 mini kit.

I love how the shiny gold number pops off the page and gives the spread a little bit of sparkle.

I'll be back soon to share more pages as I make them!
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