
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

December Daily® 2016 │ The End

I wanted to share the last little bit of my album before I shelve it for the year. I always try to capture photos of our elf Twinkle ever since she came to visit us four years ago. Last year I added a fold out collage of photos and I thought about doing that again but when Ali shared how she used the pocket from her main kit and filled it with large tags, I was inspired.

I decided to make my own pocket mainly because I wanted it to be white and the off white color of the pocket in the main kit wasn't doing it for me. Plus I knew I wanted to Minc the word Twinkle for the front pocket. This is something I did last year too and loved it so repeating it again was totally fine for me. I used a digital brush from Ali Edwards that is included in her brush set called Noel. You can find it in her digital shop.

The cut file I used to create the pocket is from the Silhouette store, I just modified it for the size and shape I wanted. You can see a tutorial on how I modified the same pocket page for another project right here. I had to cut the front portion of the pocket twice because my Minc machine is the 6" version so I had to hack it a bit but it still worked. I lined the pocket with the same gold star vellum I started the album with and like the continuity.

The tags were created by me, I just enlarged a tag shape to the size that would fit the pocket and create clipping masks to add in my photos. I did a print and cut on my Cameo and lined the photo paper with plain white cardstock to beef it up a bit. I cut the reinforces out of gold paper and added some ribbon for accent. The numbers came in the Jasmine Jones mini kit that I hadn't used yet and they worked perfectly here to number the days.

I didn't add any text because I didn't think the photos really needed captions, they are pretty self explanatory.

That flair on the outside of the pocket came in Kelly Purkeys' December kit and its my favorite sentiment of the season and a perfect way to wrap up the project.

I hope this inspires you if you also have a visiting elf and have no idea how to wrangle all the pictures. I will say its nice to be done but its definitely energized my memory keeping and it has me excited to continue making in the coming year.

See you soon!

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1 comment:

  1. I'm gonna give your pocket tutorial a try, but I just discovered something that might be helpful to you: you mentioned you have a 6" minc and has a little trouble with the "Twinkle". Silhouette America has vinyl in metallic finishes, including gold! I wonder how Ali's brush script "twinkle" would come out in metallic vinyl? Just throwin' it out there : ) Abby


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