
Friday, December 16, 2016

December Daily® 2016 │ Days 14 and 15

As the big day gets closer, the pages get more simple. Thankful for photos with white space to fill with text and embellishments and calling it done.

Day 14

I snapped this picture in line at Target, not really because the line was bad but more so because I was surprised by such a long line on a Wednesday late morning. This is the type of line I'm used to seeing at our Target on a Sunday in December not mid week and mid day. That being said it really moved quickly and the staff at our store and just been so awesome this season. I need to tell the manager that next time I'm there. Way to go Target!

The red acrylic piece and the stars from Color Cast Designs fit nicely into my white space of this photo and I love how the red is the perfect match to all things Target. The acrylic is all placed outside of the protector and I just use my Scotch dot roller to attach it and its holds really well.

Day 15

The day was pretty much filled with wrapping, wrapping and more wrapping. I love to lay out the papers I plan to use and snap a quick picture because wrapping paper changes so much over time. What I wouldn't give for some vintage rolls of paper from when I was a kid. I think this is the type of stuff I will love having pictures of years from now.

I hope everyone has an awesome weekend! I'll be back early next week to share some more.

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1 comment:

  1. I just love seeing your albums year after year, thank you for sharing and inspiring!
    ~Theresa, aka Larkindesign


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