
Monday, February 22, 2016

One second in time

Around January 6th I decided to jump on the One Second Everyday wagon and shoot one second snippets of video to be mashed up at the end of the week, month and year. Its proven to be super, super fun and its got me shooting video which I never really did before. There was a bit of a learning curve for sure on how to shoot and then how to select the exact right one second snippet but once you get the hang of it, its super easy. Here you can see little thumbnails of what I have shot and uploaded the last few days. I try to get a good mix of indoor and outdoor clips, and the outdoor clips always seem to be my favorite. I haven't quite mastered good night time videos yet but I'm sure as the year goes I'll improve a bit.

Its also definitely given me a very fresh perspective and motivation for capturing our lives on video. Here is what a one week mash up look like, this one is from the beginning of February.

The other thing I love about this app is you can also create freestyle mashups for specific occasions that aren't day specific. Meaning you can mash together multiple snippets from the same day and create a video. I really wanted to give this a try and since we spent this past weekend in San Francisco celebrating my birthday I decided it was the perfect occasion.

I just randomly took a few seconds of video clips during our stay and during breaks in our sightseeing and in the car ride home I added the snippets and created this mashup. I love it! I can totally see myself doing this again and again.

If you aren't already using this app, you totally need to download it. Its been so much fun! I love expanding my memory keeping in new and different ways. It sure helps keep things fresh.

See you soon,

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  1. Oh AWESOME! It worked this time - I love this, especially the birthday one. Makes me think of Day in the Life via video snippets...very cool!

  2. Fun videos - especially the one of San Francisco. Simone is so funny!


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