
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

December Daily® │ days 19 to 23

Merry Christmas Eve! I didn't want to wait to post these so I'm taking a little time out of my day to get these up. Its been an amazing season and I'm so happy this project is just about done and the big day is here. Here are the last few pages...

I had every intention of doing a spread about my Christmas clothes but at least I got this one in. The cut file on the right came as part of the 25 Days Class at Studio Calico.

A fun day at the Ballet with friends and then a party at our house that evening. I covered up the back side of the program with the silver star paper that you can see below. It was an ad that wasn't super Christmasy so by covering it up it gave me a space to add in some more details.

Black and white cures most bad lighting issues.

My last full collage for Twinkle, I loved adding these in and the plastic Twinkle from Ali's kit was the perfect addition to this spread.

A fun night out with friends and a more black and white photos to salvage the bad lighting. They took my ticket from me (and thought I was nuts when I asked for it back) they wouldn't give me my ticket back but at least I had the cool postcard to include.

The 23rd was baking day and I cut apart part of the box from the Gingerbread house because it was super cute.

I made a template from the box that I could clip a photo too and added the large photo to the back, super easy.

On the back side of the baking photos I added in my last three days with Twinkle. The Twinkle card came in Ali's kit and it was the perfect way to end the story. We sure had a good elf experience this year.

Someone asked on Instagram to share the letter, you can see them both below. The letterhead and the Notice were found on Pinterest, they are on my elf board here if you are interested.

I know this post is short on the details so if you have any questions just ask. I'll share the last two days after Christmas but I hope you have a wonderful holiday!

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  1. I found you through your link at Ali Edwards. I loved looking at your DDA pages, they are so beautiful. I like how you have used colour and B&W. Also the simplicity of your pages I am so behind with my DDA. I usually complete my album in January even though I had all my supplies in November :). Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love your album. Very nice & clean Style ;)

  3. Your photos are absolutely lovely, just beautiful. Love the detail of your pages, too, and your elf stuff. (I came over from Ali's blog, then recognized your picture from Studio Calico). Michelle t

  4. I just discovered your blog and love all the inspiration. I hung on to that very same Trader Joe's gingerbread house kit box for ages, but ended up throwing it out because I couldn't figure out how to incorporate it into my scrapbook. Now I know what to do for this year!


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