
Friday, January 17, 2014

For all the basketball moms....

About a week ago I received the nicest email from a lady named Staci who had seen my Soccer Journaling card on the blog but really needed a Basketball version.  After a few emails back and forth, I have one to share, completely inspired by Staci.

I'm providing two different downloads; a PDF sheet of 6 and a single .png file if you want to recolor in Photoshop or Photoshop Elements.
Full Sheet PDF download here
.png file download here
If you want to share this with other basketball loving friends that's great, I just ask that you redirect folks here for the downloads or hover over the image above and you'll see a Pinterest button to share it that way.  All I ask is that you please not post it anywhere else as a download or email the files around.

Thanks and I hope you enjoy it!
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  1. Awesome! I downloaded your soccer one. Sending link to my friend for her kiddos that play basketball! Anyway to talk you into doing a baseball one??? Pretty pleeese with sugar on topppp?

    Love your layouts by the way! Wish I would have kept up with my DD!

  2. Thank you so much!!! This is awesome!

  3. This is awesome! Thank you so much! Just pinned it and downloaded it!

  4. Really appreciate these - thank you for sharing!

  5. Your amazing! I will be anxiously awaiting if you get "talked into" a baseball and football one :)


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