
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December Daily 2013 - day 2

See I like to break the rules with this project, the buying of the tree, well it happened the day after Thanksgiving.  Doesn't mean I can't put it in my December Daily, it's a Christmas tree after all.  Make your own rules, its your album, right!

I always keep track of how much we pay for our tree and was super surprised this year that it was the exact same price as last year.  Not one penny more.  We found a really great tree this year and its super tall! Thankfully we have nice high ceilings to accommodate a large one.

I kept the embellishments to a minimum as you can see.

I did add a little glassine bag to the middle to hold the tag from the tree and I added another picture of it all decorated.  I'll definitely do another shot of the tree in the daylight later on in the album but this was from the night we decorated it and I kind of liked it.

I like a lot of lights and this year we added quite a few. Its never been this bright before and I love it!
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1 comment:

  1. Beautiful page! Love the idea of keeping the price tag. The pocket is so pretty!


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