
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Project Life 2013 - week 42

Knee deep into October and it ended up being a lot of pink which I suppose is appropriate.  I managed to fit in quite a few Studio Calico Project Life kit cards, some current and some old that I have been hording for awhile.

Simone got some new clothes and she was super excited about the cute violet belt that came with her jeans and wore it every day to school last week.  I now have a really solid Christmas idea for her, more belts.  I have been wanting to use a diamond cut for a really long time but never had anywhere to fit it in that made any sense.  I finally I had a chance and I love it.  The date strip below is a digital file from Studio Calico, I just modified it as usual to remove some parts and recolor where I needed.  It's a bit hard to tell in the photo but the October and day numbers for the week are pink and the others are orange.  We met some friends or lunch and of course the kids had a blast helping to make the ice cream. Me sans makeup at an early am mammogram appointment, yay!  We needed some pencil erasers and guess who decided to organize them. I can always count on her for a good photo op. Earlier in the week I noticed that the prongs holding my diamond into my ring were pretty much flush with the edge of the diamond so some repairs were required.  Being without it was seriously no fun, I was super happy to have it back and they did a great job making it secure again. I promised them I wouldn't wait so long again.  The two cards sandwiching my photo are ones that I loved and saved for just the right time. The one on the left is more current, the one to the right, months old.

We have been slowing getting the house fall ready which I always love. Larry went on a super quick trip back east for a special birthday party and the day he left Simone discovered her very first loose tooth so we had to facetime with him right away to share the news.  Luckily we got to chat with everyone, including her cousins.  While Larry was back east some professional photos were taken for the occasion and while he was gone Grandma came to stay with us. She very happily helped Simone sew two new pillowcases for her bed and they came out really cute.  Simone had lots of fun telling Grandma to step on it while they were sewing. 

We had a soccer match on Saturday which was the main reason Grandma came to visit us. Remember that team we played last well it was a rematch and ended quite differently this time.  The girls were on fire and played their hearts out.  We parents have speculated that the later game time may have helped, apparently our girls don't like the early morning games.  Grandma was super happy to see Simone get a goal and cheered just as loud as the rest of us parents.

Its crunch time the rest of the week getting ready for our Halloween party so I hope you have a great rest of the week!
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