
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Project Life 2013 - week 35

I kept my spread super simple this week as you will see, especially my title card.

This week seemed more coffee focused than normal so I had to include some of the shots I took. Because we were out of beans Larry and I went out for coffee on Friday after we took Simone to school. It was nice to sit and enjoy it and pick up a fresh supply for home. While I was there I grabbed the super cute envelope for a gift card to use somehow in the spread. Saturday afternoon I had my first Pumpkin Spice Frap, so yummy and paired with the September Issue outside on a 90° day was perfection. The magazine was 665 pages this year and what stood out to me as must haves are listed on the card next too it. Needless to say, it's all right up my alley, especially the leopard print.

Before my coffee and the magazine time Simone asked to go to the mall, since I knew this event was happening it was easy to say yes. I'm so glad we went, it was so great to see some of my old work peeps and the event was amazingly executed. So much fun!

Here is a look inside the coffee envelope and the inside of the flip up card.

On Monday last week our family left and I snapped the photo of Larry taking them to the airport and the sweet note my niece left on Simone's bed. When reviewing my photos in my photo stream I found the image of George. I guess Simone snapped a screen shot while watching him on my ipad. It was a perfect way to include a bit of what she is loving right now. I made the image black and white like I've done before and just kept him in color, it helped tie it in to the spread a bit more. Next to it is a screen grab I took of some IG likes that made me giggle and some new casual bling for me. The letterpress card next to it is from LifeLovePaper at Studio Calico. I had a doctor appointment and snapped this shot to send to a friend I was texting while I was waiting for the doctor. Simone's cannonball, and a bit about the recent class announcement. The Yes card was one of the first I made with my new letterpress stuff. It was so much fun and there is still time to sigh up for the class if you are interested.  The title card as always came last and honestly I was a complete blank on what to do. I knew it needed to be simple and I knew I wanted to pull the color from the left side over so this is what I came up with. Super simple, made in Photoshop Elements in minutes.  I love it and I want to do it again.

I did include a little insert this week as well, a super lovely invite I got for the MAC event. I received two different versions but I used this one because of the super pretty gold side.  I cut a piece of clear plastic and just stapled the card to it in three places. This gave me something to punch holes in so it would fit in the album rings.

I hope you have a great week, I cannot believe its September....
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