
Monday, September 16, 2013

For all the soccer moms....

So I was thinking about ways to document the soccer season in my Project Life spreads and I decided a little 3x4 match recap card could be kind of cute.  I wanted it to be like a little form that I could fill out that gave all the pertinent details that I might want to document. Things like who we played, how much of the game Simone played, what positions she played, did she score any goals, etc.  This is what I came up with and posted on Instagram on Saturday.

I was quite surprised how many people liked it and wanted it, in fact wanted to buy it!  It took me about 15 minutes of playing around online on Sunday to realize setting up a place to sell things is not what I'm looking to do right now so I decided to share it.
I did make a few subtle modifications to it and below is what I'm sharing.

I just changed the boxes to circles and added some circles to check the home and away options.
I'm providing two different downloads; a PDF sheet of 6 and a single .png file if you want to recolor in Photoshop or Photoshop Elements.
Full Sheet PDF download here
.png file download here
If you want to share this with other soccer loving friends that's great, I just ask that you redirect folks here for the downloads or hover over the image above and you'll see a Pinterest button to share it that way.  All I ask is that you please not post it anywhere else as a download or email the files around.
Thanks and I hope you enjoy it!
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  1. Thank you so much. This is perfect for my grandsons soccer games.

  2. thank you soooo much for sharing!

  3. Thank you Barbara! My 2 grandsons are just stating out in soccer. This will come in handy for scrapping! will be sure to credit you for the card.


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