
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Project Life - Week 48

Were in the home stretch and I'm determined not to blow the last few weeks because I'm otherwise sidetracked.  Are you with me!  Let's finish 2012's Project Life with a bang!

Here is the full spread

and the left side up close

A few slots carry over to my December Daily and that's okay.  Larry made cinnamon rolls and OMG they tasted just like the place at the mall and his were so much easier.  I'll have to have him write it down so I can post it for you, so good!  A few bits of me being sick and the cute tray of food Simone brought me.  We added to her stocking this year and getting our tree.

Here is the right side up close.

Decorating our tree, Charlie Brown, lots of playing and crafting for Simone, the cutie craze is back, so was the crazy rain and some indoor gymnastics.


My goal is still to post project life updates on Wednesday's through the rest of the year.  My layouts might be shorter but we'll see how it goes.

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