
Thursday, December 20, 2012

December Daily 2012 - Days 18 & 19

Day 18 was a day was spent making holiday sweet treats.  It's a day I look forward to and one that Simone has become fond of as well.  I'm pretty sure her reasons are different than mine though.

Here is the spread

The color is a bit off on my photos the paper is more Coral pink than the rust color I'm seeing, sorry about that.  I was hoping I would be able to fit that peppermint washi tape in somewhere and this spread seemed perfect.  I ran out of P's so the P in pretzel is actually a lower case d, sometimes you just have to work with what you've got.

Here is the insert, a new one that seemed appropriate.

For day 19 I wanted to make sure I got in some shots of our decorations.  It seems since we've moved in to this house our Christmas decorations are finally finding their place.  I kind of love the way it turned out and have a feeling this layout will get repeated again.  Here is the full spread.

And the insert front and back.

I hope your days eighteen and nineteen went well too.

1 comment:

  1. Your pages are gorgeous!! I love the inserts. Those treats look tasty!!



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