
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Project Life - Week 46

I almost didn't get this done this week and thought about putting it off but decided at 4:00pm yesterday that I couldn't put it off and just needed to get it done, so happy I did!

Here is the full post, it's kind of all over the place again this week.  I had to force myself not to make it too Christmassy!

Here is the left side.

I had absolutely no idea what to do for my title page at 8:00pm last night and thought about some sort of thankful thought and it evolved into taking a try making some chalkboard art. It was fun, I'll do it again for sure.  I made sure to include a bit about Veteran's Day, a game that Larry brought home for Simone, a movie we saw and some early decorating.  I snapped the photo of Larry and Simone reading at bedtime and just loved it.  Its funny how I take 15 photos to make sure I got it at the right angle and 99% of the time I end up using the first shot I took, this was the first shot I took.  I participated in another round of Project Life tag swaps and this is the card I made, super Christamssy!

Here is the right hand side.

I took a trip to the craft store to buy some paint for my December Daily Cover and Simone addressed all of the invitations for her birthday party in a few weeks.  So happy to see that XM Holly is on and the Candy Cane Joe Joe's are in stock!  Simone announced the other day that she was running away from home, this was her outfit and what she packed.  A recipe share from a friend, it was so good!  Larry got some photos in of his motorcycle tank that was being painted, it looks really great.  My finished December Daily cover that you've already seen.

So excited for all the yummy deliciousness that will be coming our way over the next few days.

I hope you have a lovely day with your families and Happy Thanksgiving!

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