
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Project Life - Week 38

Another week done, I really wasn't happy as I was working on this weeks spread, I wasn't liking what I was doing at all but pushed through and ended up happy with the overall.  Some slots are not my favorite but it is what it is.  Sometimes you just have to push through and move on.

Here is the full spread

and the left side

Since it was the first day of Autumn this past week I thought something fall themed would be appropriate for the title card.  The tree was a print and cut file for the Silhouette Cameo.  Super easy, love the print and cuts.

Simone went to a birthday party last weekend, lots of fun for her for sure.

A few random bits from the week.

A super fun contest on Instagram from Studio Calico and some tasty mini ice creams from Trader Joe's.

Simone's first trip to the dentist, she did great!

Shopping trip to Trader Joe's when we got the above little ice creams.  Simone loved the little carts and wanted to put certain things in hers, mostly the yummy stuff!

Here is the right side

Big Brother 14 finale this past week.  Sad its over, sad Dan didn't win but still a great season.

I took Simone clothes shopping this past week.  I loved the photo of her with the family of mannequin's they have when you enter the store.  I used the size stickers again like I've done before.  A fun way to show how she's grown.

I updated my iPad and iPhone this week with the new software, and we played with some girl Lego's, I think I like them just as much as Simone does.

A cute text from my niece and a lazy Saturday.

The highlight of the week for sure what the Shuttle, I made a little flip up for the day.

The inside has the words from my blog post and some photos from the zoo field trip.

And lastly the first day of fall.  Like I said below (with a typo that I've fixed), someone needs to remind Mother Nature what day it is, so crazy warm here still.  I'm ready for some cooler temps for sure!

Thanks for stopping by!

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