
Friday, May 11, 2012

Five on Friday

I cannot believe its already Friday, this week totally flew by.

1.  A friend posted this article on Facebook and I read it and I wanted to cry.  Guilty, guilty, guilty.  I needed to see this, I needed to feel it and I need to make some changes.  I've already started and if you are a lover of all things tech and have kids, you need to read this too.

2.  One of the photo prompts this past week for the photo a day challenge was "a scent you adore."  I initially planned on snapping a shot of my favorite perfume Coco Mademoiselle but when another person I follow snapped that shot I thought maybe I could do something else.  My birthday is in February and the flower for that month is violet.  I've always loved violet's but have never had any luck caring for them and getting them to bloom.  I thought about the old jar of Avon Violet solid perfume that I found at my grandmother's house when were were moving her out so many years ago.  The jar was practically empty but when you open the lid it still smells.  I loved that scent so much when I was little.  I saved that jar from her house and dug it out.  I realized I had a few more violet scented items too so that was my photo for the day.  It's not a very common scent but if you look you can find some things out there.  This Marc Jacobs perfume was a limited edition release that I got a few years ago for Christmas and the candle was also a limited release from Illuminations which shut its doors years ago.  As you can see I'm savoring these items because I don't want to use them up.  Crazy I know.  What about you do you have a favorite scent from childhood that you still love?

3.  We are becoming a bit neon obsessed in this house.  It all started with a shirt I picked up for Simone from Old Navy.  It has polka dots and some of the dots are neon.  I loved the pattern so much and started looking for neon ink pads so I could replicate it but nope couldn't find any.  I did however find some neon embossing powder so I will be embossing everything in neon shades now.  Simone is also digging the neon and has a few pieces in her wardrobe including some cute new neon headbands we picked up at Target and this super cute dress from Kohls.

4.  I seriously need to figure out how to replicate these Pizza Bell twisters at home.  They are so yummy!

5.  We celebrated Mother's Day at preschool yesterday.  All the mom's were invited back to class for the last hour.  When we arrived all the kids were seated on the carpet and we had special places set for us at the tables.  They sang songs for us, we read a story together, they decorated cookies for us and even gave us a massage.  It was seriously the best time.  The kids were so excited and it was a really special day.

I hope all you Mom's out there have an equally special Mother's Day on Sunday.  It's supposed to be in the 90's here so we will be celebrating pool side.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful post. I remember the Avon Violet solid perfume. Neon, great idea. Special Mother's Day at school, a memory to be cherished. Enjoy your Mother's Day. Remember I love you. <3


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