
Saturday, March 26, 2011

The new obsession...Pinterest

If you haven't seen this site yet, you need to check it out. 

It's new and its still in the BETA stages and if you want in you need an invite.  If you want one let me know I'll send you one.  They do have an option to request and invite but it's been about two weeks since I sent mine and I still haven't heard so I asked someone I follow on Twitter to send me one and she did.

The idea is you create insiration boards for whatever you want and when you see something you like on the web you can pin it to your boards with a widget you download to your web menu bar.  You can also pin photos from your computer if you want.  You can follow people like on facebook or twitter and see what they are pinning.  If you see something you like on someone else's boards you can re-pin to yours.  I pinned something yesterday that I thought was pretty random and already 3 people have commented and 7 people have re-pinned it.  By the way it was this...a magazing that is faily new that you can't subscribe to yet.  Something I need to hunt down.

If you want your creative juices to flow and marvel and the amazing photographs, food, fashion, crafts, interiors, art, etc. this is the place for you.  Inspiration abounds...Get Pinning people!

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