
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Project Life 2013 - week 29

This past week was such a blur and quite honestly I was surprised I had more than enough photos to work with. I felt like I worked a good portion of the week on my spread for the Toolbox class so when I sat down to work on this weeks spread I was so happy to see that I had a ton of fun stuff to work with.

Because I was so focused on what I was doing I guess subconsciously I focused my lens on the girl this past week. She's pretty much the focus and there was a lot of good stuff to pick from. A fun play date on Monday, checking off an item from her bucket list (picnic in the park), seeing her name on the list with the rest of her Kindergarten classmates and lots of fun outside.

The title card as always came last and this washi tape just seemed to echo the colors in the lake photos from the left side so it was an easy decision. I adore the tiny white little letters that came in this months Studio Calico Scrapbook kit, I just love the wonky inconsistent shapes.  This card (from the sold out Taylor add on set) was perfect for a kite flying expedition to the park with Daddy and the video he shot is super cute. She and I on a mad dash for a new cameo blade and mat prompted the next picture, a completely random sick day for the girl (I blame the over packed jumpy house), Fiesta Friday!, a photo and some words that I wanted to remember, a little collage about me being super busy on that last spread, coffee poolside for us which was lovely, and National Ice Cream day to round out the week.

I hope you have a great rest of the week!

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