
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Project Life - Week 39

Blogging has taken a bit of a back seat to life this past week or so, sorry about that but I'll be back at it soon.

After a serious lack of scrapbooking mojo on Monday I managed to finish up this weeks spread yesterday.  I love how it ended up so I need to remember not to push myself if it's just not there.  All I needed was an extra day.

Here is the full spread,

and the left side.  It's a pretty kid centered week this week.  Sometimes that's just the way things end up. 

Here is the right side.

I finally had my first Pumpkin Spice Latte! It was delish!

the QR code leads to a video of her puppet show, super cute!

The last slot took the most time this week.  I started with this photo that I loved of Simone.

I really loved the way her face looked in this photo and wanted just the portion of her so I used the eraser tool in PSE and erased the parts I didn't want.  I did this with my photo as one layer and a transparent layer below it.  It took some time, you have to go slow so you don't remove good parts.  I had to erase some of her wispy hair on the right side but I love the way it turned out.  I need to practice a bit more and maybe learn how to blend out the edge a little bit but I love the effect. 

Here's a better look outside of the plastic protector.

I never thought I would use those sequin butterflies but I'm glad I hung on to them.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. What a beautiful PL Spread. I love that final photo and the butterflies are perfect.

  2. Love the PSL and butterfly ones!


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